Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who's in the box, who's out?

I am continually amazed by the perceptions of the media in Colorado when talking about DCTA. Our recently retired Executive Director, Bruce Dickinson always told us that it's hard to be a prophet in your own land.

Across the country, DCTA is hailed as a progressive teachers union; willing to try new things; and even called "out of the box" which led to becoming charter members of the Teachers Union Reform Network . Some other teachers unions resent us and feel that we crossed the line when it comes to alternative compensation. Though most were intrigued by the thought of
DCTA starting a school next fall, we even heard "there goes DCTA again... what are they doing now?" Yet, our friends in Denver continue to bash us for being too "in the box."
Oh, the irony...

I must remind you that DCTA (THE TEACHERS UNION) worked with the district to create the first CDMs in the country, Instructional Issues Council, School Leadership Teams, Beacon Schools, and ProComp. All of these efforts were groundbreaking in CO and are being modeled across the country. We did all of this so that we could work together to increase student achievement.

We also put together our own suggestions on how to increase student achievement called "Promoting School Success." In fact, both papers wrote supportive editorials about our plan.

I am very proud of our union members, and their willingness to try new things. Now, we are working with the district on case loads for Specialized Service Providers, and the Professional Practices Work Group to revamp our induction, mentoring, remediation, evaluation and dismissal processes. By the way, everything listed was negotiated and agreed upon by our teachers.

Are there other teachers unions like us in Colorado? Is DCTA in or out of the box?


Unknown said...

Is DCTA starting a school or are some teachers that are members of DCTA starting a school? Will DCTA be managing the school or providing financial and/or technical support for the start up. If so, I'm very interested in learning more, It's been a bit confusing. Thanks, Van

Unknown said...

Oh another question....there is no doubt that DCTA has been a leader when compared to other teacher unions (you might get a good growth score) but have any of the DCTA initiatives (CDMs, Instructional Issues Council, School Leadership Teams, Beacon Schools, and ProComp) been shown to improve student learning in DPS? I know it is too early to tell for ProComp but the others seem to have had no impact on student outcomes. Am I missing something? I also know that most of these were supported by both the district and DCTA so you both should take blame and/or credit. The important question seems to be how you define "the box."

Kim Ursetta, NBCT said...

DCTA is the teachers! Our members have designed the school, and we (DCTA, CEA, and NEA) are providing technical and financial support. Van, my friend, we would be happy to talk to you more... all you have to do is call!

Kim Ursetta, NBCT said...
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