Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I've spent most of my days this week focused on the proposed DPSRS/PERA merger. Draft legislation should be coming out later this week, and we're hoping that a bill will be introduced on the next couple of weeks. Thanks to Senator Paula Sandoval (my senator!) for working on this legislation.
On Monday afternoon, I attended the DPSRS Board meeting, and on Tuesday, the PERA Board meeting. This merger will create a separate division for DPSRS with PERA. It will allow for portability, and will be a fiscally neutral transaction. Dan Daly from CEA, Superintendent Tom Boasberg and I spoke with the Denver Post Editorial Board today about the merger.
DCTA has a policy supporting a merger with these conditions: fiscally neutral, allows portability, and doesn't harm our members. This proposed merger meets all of the criteria. We want our teachers and specialized service providers to have portability so that we can attract and retain educators in Denver. Currently, once in DPS, you can'd get out because you lose your pension. The same applies if you are in JeffCo, for example, and wanted to come into Denver.
I'm anxious to see the legislation, and hope that it is acceptable to DPS, DPSRS, PERA, and our members.

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